Next-Gen Loan Origination: Code-Free, Hassle-Free

Faster Loan Origination.
No Coding Needed

Experience the speed of no-code technology in loan origination. Enhance efficiency, speed up approvals, and streamline your entire lending workflow. Customize and launch loan solutions in minutes, not months.

Speed Up Your Loan Origination Now

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Trusted by 1000+ Organizations worldwide

Complete Loan Onboarding Solution for Digital Lending

Accelerate your loan origination process with our no-code platform. Build, customize, and deploy loan solutions faster than ever.

Fewer Human Errors

Automated workflows and minimize human errors that are common in manual data entry and paperwork, ensuring more accurate and reliable data handling.

Speed & Efficient

Fastboard automates the loan origination process, drastically reducing the time needed to onboard new clients compared to manual onboarding, which is often slow and labor-intensive.

White-Label & Customization

We offer a fully customizable no-code platform, providing complete white-labeling capabilities, ensuring seamless integration and branding for diverse business needs.

Faster Development

We enable rapid development and deployment of loan origination processes, drastically reducing the time to market compared to traditional software, which often requires lengthy coding and testing phases.

Enterprise-grade standards

We ensures that all onboarding processes follow standardized workflows, maintaining consistency and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. You focus on the business and we take care of the technology.


Building and maintaining traditional software can be expensive due to high development and maintenance costs. No-code solutions significantly lower these costs by eliminating the need for extensive programming resources and ongoing technical support.

All-in-1 Digital Onboarding Platform

Easily scale your operations and adapt to changing needs without worrying about the limitations of a custom-built system.

An all-inclusive Operating System for loans

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Automate the KYC and ID verification processes using internal or external verification sources while adhering to compliance regulations.

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Custom Workflows

With a single click, visualize your workflow and apply it to the entire system. Multiple workflows are supported by the smart lending platform.

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Dashboard & Reports

The system measures your important KPIs by pulling data from the database and creating dashboards. Export information and set up the required metrics. Incorporate BI to improve decision-making.

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Loan Servicing

Introduce individualized financial products. Using loan automation software, set up credit lines, refinancing, custom calculation logic, interest rates, fees, and grace periods.

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Roles & Permissions

Protect your company's data and cut down on hazards. Assign and manage user roles efficiently, granting access to the modules of your lending system software that are necessary only.

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Give your clients automatic notifications. Maintain contact with borrowers via email and SMS by sending updates and setting up automatic reminders for upcoming payments and necessary tasks.


Quick Loan Origination: Build Without Coding

Achieve faster loan origination with our no-code builder. Design and implement loan workflows effortlessly, cutting down on development time. Focus on growing your business while our platform handles the technical complexities.

Learn More
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Empower Your Lending with Code-Free Customizations

Enhance your lending operations with our no-code loan origination platform. Quickly build, customize, and manage loan workflows, ensuring rapid deployment and faster approvals. Enjoy a smoother, more efficient lending process.

  • Credit Bureau Integration
  • Banking APIs
  • Documents Verification
  • Digital Agreements and E-Sign
  • Automated Notifications
  • Fraud Detection
Learn More

Our happy customer love us

direct payment group

"We've been using FastBoard for the past year to host our fintechs web application, and what's been most impressive is the number of plugins and customizable options available right out of the box. As a tech founder, the flexibility of the platform to meet my specific needs is crucial and the team at FastBoard has delivered on that front and made the process seamless and user-friendly."

Aviv Baron
Founder - Direct Payment Group, USA
Leisure, travel and tourism

" Working with them is a pleasure. They interact with our team on a daily basis working to implement new features, expand on existing features and make our application more efficient. Fastboard is valued partner. Their application is game changer and their consistent communication is what makes our partnership work so well. I wish we would have found them sooner."

Co-Founder, USA
Jay Paul
Uptrend Motion

" FastBoard is an amazing tool to build custom SAAS or internal web app without writing code. Porting over an project to FastBoard was easier than I thought. With all the tools I needed in one platform, it allowed me to create a working version within a few weeks, almost 2 months ahead of schedule! But the best feature of all is customer support. Their insights, directions, and super videos on YouTube has made my development journey much easier"

Jay Paul
Uptrend Motion, USA

Trusted by Global Organizations

Get Started Today and Speed Up Your Loan Origination

Enhance your loan origination speed with our no-code builder. Efficiently manage and deploy loans, significantly reducing time-to-approval and operational costs.

Schedule a free demo