Fastboard for Payday Lending Platform

Build Payday Lending Platform

Streamlined Payday Lending with No-Code Technology

  • Enterprise Grade Standards
  • White-label design
  • Flexible integration
  • Pre-built integrations
 Payday Lending

All-in-1 Digital Onboarding Platform

Easily scale your operations and adapt to changing needs without worrying about the limitations of a custom-built system.

An all-inclusive Operating System for loans

Report and Analysis

Report and Analysis

It consist of data like loan performance metrics, borrower analysis, repayment performance, default rates, interest, and fees collected.

Loan Tracking

Loan Tracking System

An application tracking system for invoice financing. This covers the filing of the application, the status of approval, funding, and repayment.
Integration with banks

Integration with Financial Institutions

Integration for smooth cash transfers and payback processing with banks and other financial organizations.

Loan Application Processing

Loan Application Processing

Applications for invoice financing are processed automatically by this system. This covers the verification of invoice legitimacy, credit checks, and borrower identity.

dashboard for payday

Lending Dashboard

A customized dashboard that gives investors and borrowers a summary of their loan and investing activity. This covers loan status, investment results, and payback plans.

Card image cap


Give your clients automatic notifications. Maintain contact with borrowers via email and SMS by sending updates and setting up automatic reminders for upcoming payments and necessary tasks.


Our happy customer love us

direct payment group

"We've been using FastBoard for the past year to host our fintechs web application, and what's been most impressive is the number of plugins and customizable options available right out of the box. As a tech founder, the flexibility of the platform to meet my specific needs is crucial and the team at FastBoard has delivered on that front and made the process seamless and user-friendly."

Aviv Baron
Founder - Direct Payment Group, USA
Leisure, travel and tourism

" Working with them is a pleasure. They interact with our team on a daily basis working to implement new features, expand on existing features and make our application more efficient. Fastboard is valued partner. Their application is game changer and their consistent communication is what makes our partnership work so well. I wish we would have found them sooner."

Co-Founder, USA
Jay Paul
Uptrend Motion

" FastBoard is an amazing tool to build custom SAAS or internal web app without writing code. Porting over an project to FastBoard was easier than I thought. With all the tools I needed in one platform, it allowed me to create a working version within a few weeks, almost 2 months ahead of schedule! But the best feature of all is customer support. Their insights, directions, and super videos on YouTube has made my development journey much easier"

Jay Paul
Uptrend Motion, USA

Book a Complimentary Consultation Today!

Schedule a free consultation call with one of our specialists to receive guidance on your next steps. It is usually beneficial to consult an expert. It's cost-free!

Speed Up Your Loan Origination Now

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